Polymorphic Virus

What is a polymorphic virus?

Polymorphic virus, also known as a metamorphic virus, is a type of malware that is designed to repeatedly alter its signature files or outward appearance by utilizing new decryption techniques. As a result, many conventional cybersecurity products that rely on signature-based detection, such as antivirus or antimalware solutions, are unable to identify and eliminate the threat.

How do polymorphic viruses work?

When antivirus software finds a virus, it adds it to a blacklist and immediately blocks any new virus with similar traits. In the case of the polymorphic virus, even though the signature or decryption procedure varies with each mutation, the virus’s fundamental function is maintained. After the signature and decryption routines change, antivirus software that relies on conventional signature-based detection is unable to identify and stop harmful code. Thus, the virus duplicates both the mutation engine and it. The mutation engine is then used to produce a new decryption method that bears no relation to the one that was previously used. The virus then adds the new decryption procedure, encrypted virus, and mutation engine onto its body and encrypts it.

The virus then adds the new decryption routine, encrypted virus, and mutation engine to the new program after encrypting its body and mutation engine.

How is Polymorphic Code Produced?

A mutation engine is used in conjunction with polymorphic code. The polymorphic code’s file name is changed from infection to infection by the mutation engine, which also generates a random decryption procedure. To infect new programs, the virus searches for them and attaches a copy of its body and mutation engine to the target program. This makes it easier for the polymorphic virus to proliferate and wreak havoc on the system without being seen and stopped by any antivirus using the conventional signature detection method.

Detection of Polymorphic Virus.

When using signature-based detection, polymorphic viruses can readily trick traditional antivirus software. However, emerging security systems that use machine learning and behavior detection to recognize any odd behavior in the system can find these viruses.

Behavior-based detection

This method examines both the virus’s behavior and its source code. This assists in finding viruses that have comparable characteristics.

Heuristic scanning

This method searches for the characteristics that various dangers have in common rather than trying to find a precise match to a threat. This aids in the discovery of new variant viruses.

Guidelines for Preventing Polymorphic Viruses

Attacks by polymorphic viruses frequently start with user-level compromise. This makes it crucial for all internet users to act responsibly and to be alert for signs of an attack.

Typical advice includes:

  • Install a trustworthy next-generation antivirus program on your computer, preferably one that is cloud-native, and make sure it receives regular updates.
  • Update both your operating system and your software.
  • Avoid clicking pop-up advertisements or use a pop-up blocker.
  • Never open email attachments from unconfirmed senders that are unsolicited or suspicious.
  • Never connect to an insecure Wi-Fi network.
  • Access only links that start with HTTPS.
  • Free software should be used with caution, and the terms and conditions should always be read in full.
  • You should lock the screen of your smartphone.
  • Use secure passwords throughout the board.
  • On all hardware and software, enable multi-factor authentication.
  • Review all the permissions you give to apps when you install them very carefully.
  • When approving website cookies, exercise caution.