Wildcard SSL VS SAN, What’s the difference?

In the world of web security, SSL certificates play a crucial role in protecting sensitive data exchanged between web servers and clients. SSL certificates, also known as TLS certificates, authenticate the identity of web servers, encrypt communications, and ensure that data is transmitted securely over the internet. Wildcard SSL certificates and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) certificates are two popular types of SSL certificates that are widely used to secure web applications and websites.

Wildcard certificates and SAN SSL certificates are both types of SSL certificates that are used to secure multiple subdomains of a website. However, the two types of certificates differ in their capabilities, pricing, and features. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between Wildcard SSL certificates and SAN SSL certificates.

Wildcard SSL Certificates

A Wildcard SSL certificate is a type of SSL certificate that secures an unlimited number of subdomains of a single domain. For example, a Wildcard SSL certificate issued for “*.example.com” would secure all subdomains of “example.com,” including “www.example.com,” “blog.example.com,” “store.example.com,” and so on.

Benefits of Wildcard SSL Certificates

One of the main benefits of a Wildcard SSL certificate is that it is a cost-effective solution for organizations that need to secure multiple subdomains of a website. Rather than purchasing individual SSL certificates for each subdomain, a Wildcard SSL certificate can secure them all with a single certificate.

Another advantage of a Wildcard SSL certificate is that it is easy to manage. Because a Wildcard SSL certificate covers all subdomains of a single domain, there is no need to manage multiple certificates for different subdomains. This can save time and effort for IT administrators and reduce the risk of errors and downtime.

However, there are also some limitations to Wildcard SSL certificates. One major limitation is that they cannot be used to secure multiple domains. For example, a Wildcard SSL certificate issued for “*.example.com” cannot be used to secure subdomains of another domain, such as “blog.example.net.” Additionally, if the private key of a Wildcard SSL certificate is compromised, all subdomains that are secured by the certificate are also at risk.

SAN SSL Certificates

A SAN SSL certificate is a type of SSL certificate that allows for the secure transmission of data across multiple domains and subdomains. Rather than securing all subdomains of a single domain, a SAN SSL certificate can secure multiple domains and subdomains with a single certificate.

For example, a SAN SSL certificate can secure “www.example.com,” “blog.example.net,” and “store.example.org.” SAN SSL certificates are ideal for organizations that have a presence on multiple domains or subdomains and require the flexibility to secure them all with a single certificate.

Benefits of SAN SSL certificates

One of the main benefits of a SAN SSL certificate is that it can be used to secure multiple domains and subdomains, making it a more versatile option than a Wildcard SSL certificate. Additionally, if the private key of a SAN SSL certificate is compromised, only the affected domain or subdomain is at risk, rather than all domains and subdomains that are secured by the certificate.

However, SAN SSL certificates are generally more expensive than Wildcard SSL certificates, due to their increased capabilities and flexibility. Additionally, managing SAN SSL certificates can be more complex than managing Wildcard SSL certificates, as the certificate must be updated each time a new domain or subdomain is added.

Conclusion In summary, Wildcard certificates, and SAN SSL certificates are both effective ways to secure multiple subdomains of a website. Wildcard certificates are a cost-effective and easy-to-manage option for organizations that need to secure multiple subdomains of a single domain. SAN SSL certificates are a more versatile option that can be used to secure multiple domains and subdomains, making them ideal for organizations with a presence on multiple domains.

Ultimately, the choice between Wildcard SSL

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