
Choose the Right SSL certificate for your business The SSL certificate allows for the transference of information securely from a web server to a browser. SSL Certificates  have 3 different types:  Domain validated (DV). Organization validated (OV). And extended validation (EV). SSL certificates can noted by the visual cue of […]

ECC Certificate

Elliptic Curve Cryptography or ECC certificate As websites continue to add features and connect with social networking applications, securing web communications has become increasingly important. This is where secure HTTP, or HTTPS, comes in, which uses encryption to secure web traffic against hackers. Google has stated that they prioritize sites […]

What Exactly are TLS Certificates? The use of the internet is almost inevitable nowadays due to the vast change in technology. Increased internet use has brought about issues of digital spying and cyber crime. Connecting to the internet anywhere can grant others access to our transaction details or emails. A […]

 SSL Certificates There are multiple SSL certificates on the current brands on the market with the most trusted being : Digicert, Thawte, Sectigo and Geotrust. SSL types Extended validation. The Extended validation or EV certificates is probably the more complicated to obtain but also the most trusted as validation requires: […]

Why Use Thawte SSL certificates The security of the information users share on your website should never be taken for granted. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is the only way web servers and browsers can share encrypted information – which is safe and secure. You need to make use of SSL […]

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